24-7 – An international, interdenominational movement of prayer, mission and justice to pray 24/7.
30-Days Prayer Network – 30-Days of Prayer for the Muslim World coinciding with Ramadan each year.
40-Day Prayer Covenant – A tool for active discipleship. It’s a guide for engaging with God and others in a structure that allows for meaningful and deep impacting prayer.
40 Weeks of Prayer for America’s Orphans – Link arms and pray for a fatherless generation, to stand as their intercessors, to be a voice for those who have no voice.
4-14 Window Global Initiative –Refers to the demographic group from age four to fourteen years old, a golden age of opportunity to transform the world.
The Alliance – Inspired by Jesus’ love and empowered by His Spirit, passionate to bring the good news about Him to our neighborhoods and world.
America’s National Prayer Committee – Exists to provide collective servant leadership to the national prayer movement.
American Bible Society – Bringing God’s word where it is needed most.
ARISE – Obeying God’s call to gather the children into His presence
Assemblies of God Prayer and Spiritual Care – A 24/7 automated prayer call line along with the Intercessory Prayer Network and other resources.
Australian Children’s Prayer Network –Mobilize and network praying Christian children to raise up the next generation of prayer warriors.
Australian Prayer Network – News and prayer info from Australia
Caleb Project –A resource providing media tools and training experiences to equip the body of Christ for strategic ministry to unreached peoples.
The Call –Gathering hundreds of thousands across the US for solemn assemblies to unite in urgent, humble fasting and prayer.
Call2all – A network to train and focus the Body of Christ across the world to see the Great Commission completed in our life-time
Canning Hunger – Motivate, recruit, train, equip and deploy caring individuals into the fight against hunger.
The Cause – Encouraging global community through local service.
Children in Prayer – Teaching children to hear the voice of God through the discipline and practice of prayer and be trained as worship leaders, intercessors, and evangelists as God so chooses.
Children’s Prayer Network, Australia – Mobilize and network praying Christian children.
Children’s Prayer Network, South Africa – Mobilizing children to be involved in prayer outreaches in South Africa and abroad.
Children’s Global Prayer Movement – Mobilize millions of praying children, 12 years and under, worldwide to intercede for world evangelism and for the myriad issues that concern their generation.
National Children’s Prayer Congress – Bringing children from across the nation to Washington, DC for leadership training and to pray for the country’s leaders.
National Children’s Prayer Network – Malaysia – Bringing together all the praying children in Malaysia together to pray in one accord.
Church of God Prayer Ministries – Resource devoted to Church of God (Cleveland, TN) churches.
Church Prayer Leaders Network –For anyone who desires to see his or her church make prayer foundational to its entire ministry.
Christian Solidarity Worldwide –Working for religious freedom through advocacy and human rights, in the pursuit of justice.
Claim Your Campus – Unites students across America in prayer for their schools on every campus, every day.
Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation – Alarmed by the concerted effort to remove God from every vestige of government and to silence the voice of millions, CPCF is at the center of a growing network of national, state and local leaders who are protecting our right to be a nation that prays and trusts in God.
CryOut – Calling believers from all corners of the earth to pray and fast for people and cities in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Iraq.
The Embassy of Israel to the United States – Stay abreast of issues regarding Israel for more effective prayers for this country.
Ethnê to Ethnê . . . This Generation! – Learn more about the 6,900 “least-reached by the Gospel groups” in the world.
Every Home for Christ – Participate actively in taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every home in the whole world.
Finishing the Task – A vision to see every people group in the world engaged with an indigenously led church planting movement.
Generals International – Generals International is an international church movement, reforming the nations of the world back to a biblical worldview. We are achieving societal transformation through intercession and the prophetic.
Generation of Destiny Children Pray – Encouraging praying children.
Generation 2 Generation – Reconnecting the generations and equipping them to have an uncompromising passion for Jesus with a heart for mission and evangelism.
Global AIDS Prayer Partnership – Mobilizing prayer and action globally to end AIDS.
Global Day of Prayer –Christians from all over the world, from different cultures and denominations, from many diverse streams gather in their homes, or where appropriate, assemble in stadiums, public auditoriums and open squares to unite prayer.
Global Mapping International – Providing professional services, tools and training in geographic mapping (GIS), strategic and applied research, information technology and digital publishing for the international Christian missions community.
Global Prayer Digest – A daily prayer guide for unreached people groups around the world.
Gospel Communications – Online ministries working to use technology and the internet to reach the world with the message of Jesus Christ.
Gospel for Asia – Reaching the most unreached in Southeast Asia with the love of Christ.
Harvest Evangelism – An inter-denominational ministry committed to the fulfillment of the Great Commission, dedicated to serving the entire Body of Christ around the globe while instilling vision for city, regional and nation-wide transformation.
Harvest Prayer Ministries –Equipping the local church to become a House of Prayer for all nations, releasing God’s power for revival and finishing the task of world evangelization.
Hollywood Prayer Network – A strategic prayer network for the Hollywood Entertainment Industry.
Hope – A catalyst bringing churches together to transform communities.
Hope for Europe –A relational movement networking followers of Jesus in many fields across Europe, partnering for transformation of life and society.
Humanitarian International Services Group – Worldwide disaster relief and community development operations.
In All Things…Pray – Prayer resource offered by the Southern Baptist Convention.
In Jesus’ Name Productions – A not-for-profit ministry created to be the world’s first Christian movie studio.
International House of Prayer – Maintains a 24/7 house of prayer in Kansas City, MO as well as an evangelical missions organization.
Intercessors for America – Informs, connects, and mobilizes intercessors to pray for America and its leaders. Reaching the masses of Christians in churches and communities nationwide with information and tools to unite them in effective prayer to safeguard our country.
Intercessors in Israel – Seeking to raise up a prayer army in and for Israel.
International Orality Network – Network that seeks to influence the body of Christ to make disciples of oral learners (2/3 of the world, 5.7 billion of which 1/2 are children) around the globe. In addition, to bring the awareness of the need for scripture in heart languages to the unengaged unreached people groups thru prayer and action. Praying for Oral Peoples, Bibleless and UUPG as a foundation for all.
International Prayer Connect – A coalition of more than 3,000 Christian prayer networks and organizations who share a common vision to mobilize and equip worldwide prayer for the blessing, healing and transformation of the nations.
International Reconciliation Coalition – A network of individuals, churches and organizations committed to dealing with conflict using Biblical means – Confession, Repentance, Reconciliation and Restitution.
Jericho Walls International Prayer Network – An interdenominational Christian prayer ministry that is committed to building a strong, broad-based prayer network to support the Church to fulfil its calling as a “house of prayer for the nations”.
Joel News – A weekly e-zine that offers a high-quality selection of the most inspiring stories on the advance of God’s Kingdom around the world.
Joshua Project – A research initiative seeking to highlight the ethnic people groups of the world with the fewest followers of Christ.
Kids in His Presence – Nurturing a child’s affection for Papa God.
Kids in Ministry International – Redefining children’s ministry in the 21st century in the Church of Jesus Christ, completely changing how we disciple our Christian children.
Kids Prayer – Ideas and resources for children’s prayer ministries.
Love 2020 – If 10% of professing Christians in American would begin to aggressively live the life of love, it would be possible to express God’s love to every man, woman, young person and child in this nation by the year 2020.
Lydia Fellowship International – A call to prayer for Christian women, those who have the heart to meet with God and encounter his presence.
Mission America Coalition –An unprecedented Coalition of Christian leaders who have prayerfully come together to mobilize the Church for praying, caring and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in deed and word.
Moms in Prayer International – Praying for children and schools across the US.
National Children’s Prayer Network (Malaysia) – Bringing together all the praying children in Malaysia to pray in one accord.
National Day of Prayer – Mobilizing prayer in America and encouraging personal repentance and righteousness in the culture. First Thursday of May.
National Pastors’ Prayer Network – Sharing the Holy Spirit’s work of gathering pastors together in prayer for one another, their congregations and eventually their communities and cities.
Navpress – Bringing biblically rooted, culturally relevant, and highly practical products to people who want to know and love Christ more deeply.
Open Doors International – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places.
Operation World – Widely regarded as the definitive volume of prayer information about the world.
Partners in Prayer and Evangelism – Overflowing blessing to Australian neighborhoods, regions and nations.
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church – A global day of intercession for persecuted Christians worldwide.
Pebbles and Stones – Intentional in bringing generations together to experience God’s love in community.
PrayUSA – Government Leaders Calling the Nation to Prayer Initiative, believing for God to set churches on fire across the Country
Pray for China – A prayer calendar designed for you to glorify God by praying for the needs of the Chinese people.
Pray for Denmark – For those who have a heart for the spiritual condition of Denmark.
Pray for France – Mobilizing prayer for France.
Pray for Iran – Dedicated to encouraging prayer for the nation and people of Iran.
Pray for Kuwait – Prayer points to pray for Kuwait.
Pray for Somalia – Year of prayer for Somalia.
Pray for Spain – Learn about the evangelical churches of Spain, their context and needs.
Pray! Network – Prayer message boards, blogs, and event updates with free registration.
PrayWay – Interactive prayer forum.
The Prayer and Crisis Referral Network – Your church can participate in a 24-7 Community Prayer HOPE Line. You can’t open your church doors 24-7, but you can offer a toll-free number for anyone to call for prayer. And you can promise them that an intercessor will listen, care and pray!
The Prayer Guide – Over 100 pages of answers to questions on Christian prayer and intercession.
Praying Through the Arabian Peninsula – What will God do as His people from all over the world begin praying specifically for the Arabian Peninsula?
Praying Through the Window – Praying through the 10/40 Window (10 degrees south to 40 degrees north of the equator).
Prayer-Connect Magazine – Deepen your prayer connection with Jesus Christ and fellow believers.
Presidential Prayer Team – Source for encouragement and inspiration to pray for America, our President, our national leaders and our Armed Forces.
Renewal Ministries – Dedicated to fostering renewal and evangelization in the Catholic Church by helping people know the personal love of God in Jesus and grow in holiness.
Proclaim Hope – Serving all of God’s people as we prepare for the great hope of a nationwide Christ-awakening movement for our generation.
Reign Bridge – Bringing people together across generations and geographies.
The Roar – Prayer for, by and with children of the nations.
Sacred Space – Daily online prayer.
See You at the Pole – Global day of student prayer, fourth Wednesday in September.
Sentinel Group – Helping the Church pray knowledgably for end-time global evangelization and enabling communities to discover the pathway to genuine revival and societal transformation.
Teach us to Pray – Prayer resources for children to be used by churches and families.
Transformation Africa – Transforming Africa through prayer.
Transformations Ireland – To see Ireland transformed by God as the Body of Christ unites in repentance and prayer.
United States National Prayer Council – Network of prayer leaders.
Viva Network – Find out how you can equip and encourage children to pray for children at risk.
Voice of the Martyrs – A vision for aiding Christians around the world who are being persecuted for their faith in Christ, fulfilling the Great Commission, and educating the world about the ongoing persecution of Christians.
Wallbuilders – An organization dedicated to presenting America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built.
Waymakers – A mobilization ministry focused on seeing Christ glorified by obedient, worshiping movements in every people group. Downloadable resources and online bookstore.
Window International Network – Their vision is to see sustained, strategic, and informed prayer transforming unreached people for Christ in the 10/40 Window.
World Wide Prayer 24/7 – Calling Christians to pray for their pastors, church and for the nations to receive Christ.