Praying Spirit Empowered Prayers
“In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God” (Romans 8:26-27 NASB).
As we read this passage with a desire to pray spirit empowered prayers, we find many valuable ideals:
- The Spirit is the most effective prayer partner we could ever have.
- The Spirit helps us pray for things that go far beyond our understanding.
- The Spirit prays through us for things at times that we do not even fully know.
- The Spirit inspires prayers in us when we may not even feel like praying.
- The Spirit lifts faith, brings compassionate tears, and ignites joy in our praying.
- The Spirit reveals things to us so we can pray with more focus.
- The Spirit often brings the Scriptures to us so that we can stand on them claiming victory.
- The Spirit literally joins us as a real tangible partner in our prayer times.
- The Spirit, who joins Christ in the Trinity with Father God, lifts us into this fellowship as we pray.
- Spirit partnership in prayer is far more than a new prayer language. It is a real prayer partner!
Keep these thoughts in mind as you pray and watch as the Spirit partners with you to empower and lead your prayers. Many of these ideas are taught by that wonderful teacher of prayer, Andrew Murray in his work “With Christ in the School of Prayer.”
Additional Resources:
Consider also these classic prayer sources:
- M. Bounds, “Power Through Prayer”
- Jack Hayford, “The Beauty of Spiritual Language”
- David Yong-gi Cho, “Prayer: Key to Revival”
- A. Torrey, “The Power of Prayer”
- Richard Foster, “Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home”
- Peter Wagner, “Prayer Shield”
About Our Contributor
Contributor: Bishop Randall E. Howard
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